Wednesday, November 16, 2011


PT Indosat Tbk., formerly known as PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk. (Persero)(John) is a provider of telecommunication services in Indonesia. It is the third largest telecommunication company for mobile services in Indonesia (Matrix, Mentari and IM3) after defeat by XL Axiata. Currently, the composition of ownership of Indosat is: Qatar Telecom (65%), Public (20.1%), and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (14.9%). Indosat also listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.


Indosat was established in 1967 as a Foreign Capital Company, and started operations in 1969. In 1980 Indosat became State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) wholly owned by the Government of Indonesia. Until now, Indosat provides cellular services, international telecommunications services and satellite services for broadcasting service providers.
PT Satelit Palapa Indonesia (Satelindo) was established in 1993 under the auspices of PT Indosat. Satelindo in 1994 to operate as a GSM operator. Satelindo establishment as a subsidiary of Indosat makes him the first GSM operator in Indonesia to issue prepaid cards and postpaid Matrix Mentari.
On October 19, 1994 Indosat's shares began trading on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.
Indosat is the first company to apply the concept of sharia bonds in 2002. After that, the implementation of sharia Indosat bonds rated AA +. The value of emissions in 2002 amounted to Rp 175,000,000,000.00 with the tenor of five years. In the year 2005 the value of Islamic bonds emission IV Indosat Rp 285,000,000,000.00. After the year of 2002 the implementation of Islamic bonds was followed by other companies.[citation needed]
The Indonesian Government deregulated the telecommunications sector by opening a free-market competition. Thus, TELKOM no longer monopolize the telecommunications Indonesia. In 2001, Indosat established PT Indosat Multi Media Mobile (IM3) and a pioneer of GPRS and multimedia services in Indonesia, and in the same year Indosat has full control of PT Satelit Palapa Indonesia (Satelindo).
At the end of 2002 the Government of Indonesia sold 41.94% shares of Indosat to Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte. Ltd. Thus, has made Indosat back to Foreign Investment Company. In November 2003, Indosat merger three of its subsidiaries (acquisition) of PT Satelindo, PT IM3, and Bimagraha, and then became one of the major cellular operators in Indonesia
On March 1, 2007 STT sold Indosat shares of 25% in Asia Holdings Pte. Ltd. to Qatar Telecom.
On December 31, 2008, Indosat shares owned by Qatar Telecom QSC (Qtel) indirectly through Indonesia Communications Limited (ICLM) and Indonesia Communications Pte Ltd (ICLS) for 40.81%, while the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the public have respectively 14.29% and 44.90%.
In 2009 Qtel has a 65% stake in Indosat through a tender offer (having an additional 24.19% shares of series B of the public)


Indosat's cellular service is services that provide the greatest contribution, up to 75% of the total revenue in 2008. Based on data in 2009, Indosat dominates over 22.7% of GSM mobile phone service market (through Matrix, Mentari and IM3). Indosat also provides BlackBerry service Postpaid / Prepaid and 3.5G Broadband service for high-speed mobile Internet access.

Cellular Service and 3.5G Broadband

  • IM3, pre-paid cellular service, with top-up.
  • Mentari, pre-paid cellular service for regular user.
  • Matrix, Post-paid cellular service.
  • Matrix Auto, Post-paid cellular service which can be top-up, combination from post-paid and pre-paid services.
  • BlackBerry, Post-paid/ pre-paid cellular service and global push-email.
  • Indosat 3.5G, High speed internet access service.
  • i-Games, i-Ring, i-Go, i-Menu , Value added services for mobile service users with a selection features.


Mentari is pre-paid GSM Card/ cellular service in Indonesia issued by Indosat and can be used in every region in Indonesia. Mentari can also be used for International “roaming” in many countries.
  • Family economic pre-paid GSM card.
  • Was the first which launched free national “roaming”.


Matrix network covers five continents of the world, it allows Matrix to be used both abroad and across Indonesia.
  • Post-paid GSM card for professional and high mobility society.
  • Has widest international roaming coverage in over 120 countries in the world.
  • Presents variety “hi-tech” services.

Indosat BlackBerry

Indosat’s unlimited access service for business communication. Supported by data network (GPRS/3G) that has been used by 50 operators in 30 countries. Indosat is the first operator in Indonesia which provide this service.
  • Post-paid.
  • Pre-paid.
  • Push-email.
  • BES (BlackBerry Enterprise Solution).
  • BIS (BlackBerry Internet Services).
  • BlackBerry on Demand.

Indosat 3.5G

Indosat 3.5G Broadband, 3.5G (GSM/UMTS/HSDPA) technology of wireless communication services. internet activities such as email, chatting, downloading, blogging and browsing.
  • 3.5G (GSM/UMTS/HSDPA) technology.
  • High speed internet mobile access.
  • High speed broadband wireless service up to 21Mbps (HSPA+).
  • Quota based & unlimited package.


On October 17, 2011 Indosat has tried 3GPP Long Term Evolution at 1,800Mhz. Based on the trial, Indosat can offer speed up to 100 Mbps with latency 10 miliseconds and will reduce cost up to 50 percent.

Fixed Telephone Services

  • StarOne (pre-paid and post-paid), wireless fixed communication service with pre-paid and post paid tariff-based technology CDMA.
  • IDD 001, International direct dial service (IDD) to every parts of the world with no operator (premium).
  • IDD 008, International direct dial service (IDD) to every parts of the world with no operator (economic tariff).
  • Indosat Flat Call 01016, International direct dial service (IDD) with economic tariff to every country based on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
  • GlobalSave (Service VoIP)
  • Indosat Phone (iPhone), domestic and international fixed telephone services wire-based for data communication, high quality of audio and video.

MIDI Services (Multimedia, Data Communication and Internet)

For more complex cooperation purposed. These cooperation services include:
  • IPLC (International Private Leased Circuit) & DPLC (Domestic Private Leased Circuit), point to point circuit connection.
  • Frame Relay & ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), “bursty” sending data flexibility.
  • INP (Internet Network Provider), global internet access.
  • IDIA (Indosat Dedicated Internet Access), crates a private network through packet data.
  • INIX (Indosat National Internet Exchange)
  • MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) Based Services, newest service based on MPLS technology of Metro Ethernet network.
  • Satellite Services, national and international broadcast services solution.
  • DRC (Disaster Recovery Center), safety data service.


StarOne is pre-paid and post paid service uses digital telephone system, as known as CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). Issued by PT. Indosat Tbk.

Corporate Social Responsibility

In 2008 Indosat formed CSR committee. CSR program implemented through 5 (five) main initiative of Corporate Governance Organizational Governance), Customer Care (Consumer Issues), Human Resource Development including Civil Rights Compliance (Labor Practice ), Environmental Conservation (Environment) and Improved Quality of Life and Independence Community (Community Involvement). The five initiatives go hand in hand with Indosat's participation in the Global Compact initiative, since 2006 the emphasis on compliance with human rights (Human Rights), labor, environment and anti corruption. Indosat CSR program in 2008 has a special theme is 'Indosat Cinta Indonesia'.

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Activities is supposedly based on five main principles of Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence and Equality.

Indosat Offices

Indosat provides Indosat service office named 'Galery Indosat'. Galery Indosat spread in every region in Indonesia, such as Jabodetabek & Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java and Bali Nusra, North Sumatera, Kalimantan and Sulampapua.


Merged Subsidiary

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